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The growth of a Mastiff, both physical and character finishes at the age of 3 for the bitch and 4 for the dog. A newborn puppy weighs about 450gr. - 900gr., at 2 months 10/13 Kg, at 4 months 25/30 Kg and 70/80 Kg at 12 months. After 2 years of age the dog will weigh more than 90Kg. These weights are average, just as an indication, as growth depends very much on the individual dog and its sex. In any case one thing that you can note is how the increase in the massive shape is very fast in comparison with the age of the dog. This fact is not give due consideration, may be the cause of many problems in the puppy's growth and in the case of the adult the two factors which have the greatest effect at this delicate time in a mastiff's life are exercise and nutrition.

The skeletal and articular apparatus are particularly delicate at an early age and the notable weight of the puppy and stress caused by exercise are not well supported. It is therefore very important that this is always controlled, in particular the puppy must not: - run on steep or slippery ground, the weight of the dog must never lie excessively on the front or back; up to the age of 6 months it is better to avoid going up and down stairs; never put him in competitive situations with nervous adult dogs; don't strain him with games that are too physical or demanding. To sum up it should pass the first few months of its life quite tranquilly as part of the family, going for walks with its owners, playing with other puppies and moving around in a natural way, its young body never being put under more than necessary stress. After the 8th month we can begin to ask a bit more of our young friend; in fact it's appropriate to begin to go more regularly on walks, using various types of ground, uphill and downhill, to begin to strengthen the muscular apparatus, without ever putting it under too much stress. After the 18th month it is important that the dog is often taken for runs on flat or slightly uphill ground to avoid the dog getting lazy or too heavy. It is at this moment of its development, between 8 and eighteen month's, for those most interested, that the dog can begin its basic training with qualified instructors. At the age of two and a half years, even if the Mastiff has not finished growing, it can face any stamina test. From this point onwards it is extremely important for the sake of the dog's future health, to keep it fit by means of daily exercise, thereby giving it a longer and better quality of life.

If the role of exercise is considered to be important then that of nutrition is paramount for the Mastiff's quality of life. Being a very large dog, its growth must be slow but constant, without sudden spurts, which could cause problems with articulation, the skeleton and ligaments. The nutrition must therefore be in balance with the periods of the dog's growth. I strongly advise against giving the dog a home made diet, as, even though it may be perfectly valid, it will not be as balanced or nutritious as a good dog food that can be found on the shelf. The subject of nutrition is so vast and complex that I will talk further about it in its own chapter.

Cesare Gilardi